Flash Fiction Friday with AB Frank
Flash Fiction Friday with AB Frank
Lock 13

Lock 13

Flash Fiction Friday Episode 38

Welcome to episode 38 of Flash Fiction Friday with AB Frank.

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The writing prompt for this week:

  • Object: Lock

  • Action: Walk

  • Genre: Weird

Object Word Association: Key, canal, water, boat, unlock, padlock.

Action Word Association: Hike, footpath, exercise, commute.


Lock 13

The shipping canal cut across the countryside. Violshire docks was its destination. Violshire Shipping Company controlled many of the veins of the canal that branched off of the main channel of water, charging toll fees to enter the city.

 The water in the cut sloshed against the bank on my right. I was heading up the muddy path to a toll house for my first days work at Lock 13.

On higher ground ahead of me was a lock with water forcing itself through small gaps in the closed gates and frothing when it landed. As I walked up the incline the hissing water grew louder and I felt a few droplets speckle my cheek. I turned my head away from the water and focused on getting to work on time. Imagine how confused I was when water speckled my face again, on the left side this time.

The canal was to my right not a second earlier. And now, I was walking down a different footpath, with it on my left. The new route I was on quickly led me off the canal and to a road with hansom cabs going about their business, unaware of my need to get to work.

I hailed a driver and asked for directions.

‘Never ‘eard of it,’ he said.

I ended up in a pub with a bunch of fellas dressed exactly like me. I never did find Lock 13. None of the fellas in the pub admitted to knowing about it. But, the look on their faces told me differently.

The End

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Flash Fiction Friday with AB Frank
Flash Fiction Friday with AB Frank
My name is AB Frank. Every Friday I write & narrate a piece of gaslamp horror flash fiction. The stories will not have been previously published or read by anyone before. I will have author guests from time to time who I will interview and they will also write & narrate a piece of flash fiction.
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