Flash Fiction Friday with AB Frank
Flash Fiction Friday with AB Frank
Upon the Brittle Pages

Upon the Brittle Pages

Flash Fiction Friday Episode 47

Welcome to episode 47 of Flash Fiction Friday with AB Frank.

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The writing prompt for this week:

  • Object: Product

  • Action: Blast

  • Genre: Horror

Object Word Association: Produce, sell, brand, company, business, outcome.

Action Word Association: Shoot, power, impact, damage, explosion.


Upon the Brittle Pages

The dimly lit library was adorned with shelves stacked high with dusty tomes and curiosities. A thick layer of cobwebs clung to the corners, hinting at concealed mysteries. Doctor Strauss’ obsession with the occult had driven him to forsake the mundane world, plunging headlong into a forbidden realm of dark knowledge.

A winter storm raged outside as Strauss sought a secret study room. He pushed and pulled at books and other items until the door, disguised as a bookcase, opened with an ominous creak.

A blast of the winter chill blew the hem of his coat as he entered the study. Setting down his lamp, he scoured the spines of scores of books and found it. The ancient text. The product of a bygone era was now in his possession. Driven by an insatiable desire for power, his eyes fixed upon the brittle pages.

Something stirred high up in the rafters, shrouded in shadows. Strauss’ excitement waned with the dawning realisation that something else was in the room. He looked up, feeling an unnatural chill wrap around his spine. The thing he shared the room with descended, clinging to the stone wall. It defied gravity as it continued its way down the wall - head first.

Strauss’ lamp blinked out. The thing attacked him. He took his last breath before the echo of his scream faded. The secret study door creaked shut. Aside from the ongoing storm outside, the library was still once more.


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Flash Fiction Friday with AB Frank
Flash Fiction Friday with AB Frank
My name is AB Frank. Every Friday I write & narrate a piece of gaslamp horror flash fiction. The stories will not have been previously published or read by anyone before. I will have author guests from time to time who I will interview and they will also write & narrate a piece of flash fiction.
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