Flash Fiction Friday with AB Frank
Flash Fiction Friday with AB Frank


Flash Fiction Friday Episode 42

Welcome to episode 42 of Flash Fiction Friday with AB Frank.

Thank you for your continued support.

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The writing prompt for this week:

  • Object: Highway

  • Action: Licence

  • Genre: Crime

Object Word Association: Road, thoroughfare, travel, vehicle, transport, driver, hansom cab, traffic, accident.

Action Word Association: Permit, ban, paperwork, permission, licencee, authorisation.



The Mayor of Violshire rested in his coach, dead-centre of the convoy. The three locomotives had left the city and moved along a dirt track through the ever-thickening foliage.

A tree lay across the track, forcing the coachmen to reign in the horses.

‘Obstruction on the road!’ called the first coachman.

The Mayor opened the door to help but, glancing at the muddy ground, ordered the other drivers to move it.

A group of men filtered from behind trees and onto the track like the breeze blowing over the bracken. Their faces hidden as they moved with the efficiency of experienced thieves. The convoy was caught with their guard down, preoccupied with the fallen tree.

‘You’re the highwaymen of Violshire,’ said the coachman, raising his hands in surrender.

‘We’re men, and we’re on a highway,’ replied one of the highwaymen from behind his black face covering. ‘We’re here to uphold the highwayman’s code.’ He opened the door of the Mayor’s carriage. ‘We need to see your papers.’

‘Papers?’ replied the Mayor. ‘We have permits to undertake business on behalf of the city. My men all have their licences.’

The Highwayman nodded to two of his men and they hauled the Mayor from his seat into the dirt. ‘We need to see your paper. Money, valuables and the like,’ said the highwayman. ‘Please cooperate with us and you’ll be on your way before you know it. Albeit, on foot.’

The highwayman approached the driver of the rear coach and placed a hand on his shoulder. ‘Right on time. Thank you for the information.’ Then he slit his throat with a blade concealed in his sleeve.


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Flash Fiction Friday with AB Frank
Flash Fiction Friday with AB Frank
My name is AB Frank. Every Friday I write & narrate a piece of gaslamp horror flash fiction. The stories will not have been previously published or read by anyone before. I will have author guests from time to time who I will interview and they will also write & narrate a piece of flash fiction.
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